7A - Haines Airways /Alaska Coastal Airways
- USA - Short hops in southeast Alaska - defunct
HX - Hamburg Airlines - Germany
- defunct
HF - Hapag-Lloyd Flug - Germany
- became
8H - Harbour
Air - Canada - Scheduled seaplane flights
from Vancouver
HA - Hawaiian
Airlines - USA - All Hawaiian islands and west
coast USA
WP - Hawaii
Island Air (Hawaii Island Air) - USA -
commuter airline based in Honolulu
---- - HelenAir Caribbean - St.
Lucia - Frequent flights to several islands in the West Indies
EC - Heli Inter Riviera / Monacair -
- helicopter services
YO - Heli Air Monaco - Monaco
JB - Helijet
Airways - Canada - Scheduled helicopters:
Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle
YQ - Helikopterservice Euro Air - Sweden
- helicopter services
- Hewa Bora Airways - Democratic
Republic of the Congo - regional and domestic services from Kinshasa
International Airport - Barumbu
8H - Highland
Airways - based in Inverness and Glasgow, serves all the Scottish airports.
Flies ATR-42, Jetstream 31/s, Cessna F406.
AS - Horizon
Air /Alaska Airlines - USA - The northwest,
out of SEA-TAC and Portland