Azeri Superstitions
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This page contains a non exhaustive list of superstitions commonly found in Azerbaijan, particularly in rural areas. Have these in mind when visiting but note that most people are not superstitious and take these as mere folklore.
  • When your right hand hitches you'll have luck, if your left hand hitches you'll loose money.

  • If your right ear is red someone is saying good things about you, if your left ear is red someone is saying bad things about you.

  • Don't cut you nails at night, it may shorten you life.

  • Horses and horseshoes bring good luck, the same for dreams about horses.

  • A cat (not only a black cat) crossing your way means bad luck in today's business.

  • Throw a some of water in the wake of a person that set off for a business or a long trip. It will bring him luck and help to return home safe and sound.

  • Salt and cutting objects should not be given as gifts, since you must not take them without paying a token sum for them. Otherwise, it will bring bad fortune.

  • Salt accidentally spilled in a home announces a fight.

  • Scissors should always be closed, if left with opened blades they may bring misfortune.

  • Do not give sprouts as a present, the plant the sprouts are taken from can die, the same goes for eggs.

  • When walking or doing doing something, never return from midway.

  • A person with empty buckets on your way means misfortune.

  • Do not hurry to a funeral ceremony and do not cross the way as a funeral cortege goes along.

  • When you go out in the morning, if the first person you meet  is a male, you'll be lucky today.

  • Bread is seen as a sacred substance of life, do not throw it on the ground or on to the street. When a bit of bread is dropped on the floor it is kissed and put to the side.

  • Do not shake hands across the threshold of a doorway.

  • Jaduh witchery if common in Azerbaijan.

see also: culture, business customs, maps, history, summary, places, photos
A to Z of Azerbaijan / A dan Z ye Azerbaycan