images of Bougainville Island
Bougainville / Bouganville- flag images of
Bougainville island
North Solomons - PNG
Bougainville Island: Bagana volcano, located in the central part of the island, during an eruption - smoke plume - satellite photo by NASA, Earth Sciences and Image Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Centre (in PD) Bougainville Island: Bagana volcano during an eruption - satellite photo by NASA, ESIAL, Johnson Space Centre (in P.D.) Bougainville Island: northern part of the island, showing Buka island, Taiof island and Buka passage - satellite photo by NASA, MODIS RRP - Goddard Space Flight Center (in P.D.) Bougainville Island: north of the island, showing Buka island, Taiof island and Buka passage - satellite photo by NASA, MODIS RRP - GSFC (in P.D.)
credits: images by NASA (in P.D.)  
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Images of Bougainville island - situated in the Solomon Sea, between PNG and the Solomon islands. Capital: Arawa, rio tinto, zinc Buka island mines
see also: Australia, PNG, West Papua, New Zealand, England, Germany, Palau, Timor, Nauru, Northern Marianas, islands, Australasia,
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images of Bougainville Island by