images of the Glorioso islands
France / França / Francia / Frankreich - French flag images of the
Glorioso islands
France - Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean
Glorioso islands - île Grande Glorieuse: from the air - photo by L.Rich, lic. cc-by-sa-2.5 île Grande Glorieuse: from the air - photo by L.Rich, lic. cc-by-sa-2.5 île Grande Glorieuse: Satellite image - photo NASA World Wind, in P.D. île Grande Glorieuse: Satellite image - photo NASA World Wind, in P.D.
photos by L.Rich, lic. cc-by-sa-2.5 and NASA World Wind, in P.D.
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Glorioso islands: small group of islands in the Indian Ocean, west of mayotte Comoros. Controlled by France. Claimed by Madagascar.
see also: Mozambique, India, Seychelles, South Africa, Mauritius, Rodrigues, Madagascar, Comoros, Mayotte, Tromelin, France, Portugal, Africa
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images of the Glorioso islands