images of Tuvalu
Tuvalu - flag images of
formerly Ellice Islands
Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: houses with flowers, papaya trees and rain water collection system - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: houses with flowers, papaya trees and rain water collection system Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: view of the lagoon side - boat and palm trees - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: view of the lagoon side - boat and palm trees
Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: school building - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: school building Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: local architecture - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: local architecture
Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: graves of family members are located next to the residences - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: graves of family members are located next to the residences Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: colorful home in a tropical setting - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: colorful home in a tropical setting
Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: the harbour - fishing trawlers on shore - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: the harbour - fishing trawlers on shore Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: view of the lagoon side - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: view of the lagoon side
Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: Ocean side road - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: Ocean side road Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: commerce along the Ocean side road - Tenga store - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: commerce along the Ocean side road - Tenga store
Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: the lagoon - fisherman in an outrigger boat - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: the lagoon - fisherman in an outrigger boat Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: local shopping center - photo by G.Frysinger Funafuti atoll, Tuvalu: local shopping center
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credits: photos © by G.Frysinger /
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see also: Timor, England, Australia, Singapore, New Caledonia, Northern Marianas, Nauru, Christmas island, Palau, Commonwealth, Australasia
 click on the thumbnails to enlarge the images - photos of Tuvalu
images of Tuvalu - Polynesia