Images of Portugal / imagens de Portugal
City of Oporto - civic arms Images of
Porto Oporto old city - UNESCO world heritage site - património da humanidade
Porto District - Location map / distrito do Porto - mapa de localização
Porto District - Map / distrito do Porto - mapa dos concelhos
Porto City
Porto District
Portugal - Porto / Oporto: falsa lua na Ribeira - photo by M.Durruti Porto: fake moon at the Ribeira Portugal - Porto: barco rabelo e o Douro - vista nocturna / Rabelo boat and the Douro - nocturnal - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Rabelo boat and the Douro - nocturnal
Portugal - Porto: Ponte D. Luis vista de Gaia / Dom Luis I bridge - seen from VN Gaia - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Dom Luis I bridge from Gaia Portugal - Porto: Ribeira - foto nocturna a partir de Vila Nova de Gaia / Ribeira  at night - seen from VN Gaia - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Ribeira  at night - seen from VN Gaia
Portugal - Porto: a ponte Dom Luís e a cidade / Dom Luis I bridge and the city - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Dom Luis I bridge and the city Portugal - Porto: Ribeira - foto nocturna a partir de Vila Nova de Gaia / Ribeira  at night - seen from VN Gaia - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Ribeira  at night - seen from VN Gaia II
Portugal - Porto: Ponte Dom Luiz - detalhe / Dom Luis I bridge - detail - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Dom Luis I bridge - detail Portugal - Porto: estação de São Bento / Sao Bento train station - arquitecto Marques da Silva - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: São Bento station
Portugal - Porto / Oporto / OPO : Camara Municipal - Avenida dos Aliados e Praça General Humberto Delgado - arquitecto: Barry Parker - photo by M.Durruti Porto: imposing City hall on Aliados avenue Portugal - Porto: a camara - à noita / City hall - nocturnal - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: City hall - nocturnal
Portugal - Porto: panorma - ponte de Dom Luis I - photo by M.Durruti Porto: panorama - Dom Luis I bridge Portugal - Porto: Kind Fernando's wall - muralha Fernandina - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Kind Fernando's wall - muralha Fernandina
Portugal - Porto: Torres dos Clérigos / Clérigos tower - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Clérigos tower Portugal - Porto: livraria Lello e Irmão / Lello bookshop - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Lello bookshop
Portugal - Porto: pescador / angling - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Ribeira - angling Portugal - Porto: Igreja de São Francisco - da Avenida Infante Dom Henrique - photo by M.Durruti Porto: St. Francis church
Portugal - Porto: Ourivesaria das Flores / a goldsmith's elaborate shop-front - photo by M.Durruti Porto: a goldsmith's elaborate shop-front Portugal - Porto: velhos edifícios na Ribeira / façades - Ribeira - photo by M.Durruti Porto: façades - Ribeira
Portugal - Porto: capela / chapel - photo by M.Durruti Porto: chapel Portugal - Porto: esplanada vazia / empty - photo by M.Durruti Porto: empty
Portugal - Porto: subindo - photo by M.Durruti Porto: uphill Portugal - Porto: opulência - photo by M.Durruti Porto: opulence
Portugal - Porto: passagem colorida - photo by M.Durruti Porto: colourful passage Portugal - Porto: igreja de Congregados - Estação de São Bento à direita - photo by M.Durruti Porto: Congregados church
Portugal - Porto: a Sé /  the Cathedral - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: the Cathedral - Sé Portugal - Porto: Palácio de Cristal - pavilhão Rosa Mota / the Cristal Palace - arquitecto Carlos Loureiro - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: the Cristal Palace - Palácio de Cristal
Portugal - Porto: igreja de Santo Ildefonso / Santo Ildefonso church - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Santo Ildefonso church Portugal - Porto: Foz - cabine telefónica / Foz - classical phone booth - photo by F.Rigaud Porto: Foz - classical phone booth
Porto City
Porto District
credits: photos © by M.Durruti and F.Rigaud /
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distrito anterior (Portalegre) nex page / página seguinte (photos of Porto district: Amarante, Póvoa do Varzim, Vila Nova de Gaia, Vila do Conde)
Neighbouring District: Braga, Vila Real, Viseu, Aveiro
See also: passport & visas
Return to: Portugal, Europe, World
26 photos of Oporto - Portugal - image bank - banco de imagens - imágenes - Bilder
images of Oporto / imagens do Porto 