UNESCO - The World Heritage List
Bolivia - flag UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization UNESCO
World Heritage sites in

The World Heritage Committee has inscribed the following properties on the World Heritage List:
1987 City of Potosí
1990 Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos
Bolivia - Bolivia - Sucre  (Chuquisaca province): over the roofs - UNESCO world heritage site (photo by Michel Bergsma) 1991 Historic City of Sucre
1998 Fuerte de Samaipata
2000 Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
Bolivia - Tiwanaku / Tiahuanacu: statue - Pre-Columbian archaeological site - UNESCO world heritage - Ciudad eterna de Los Andes - photo by J.Fekete 2000 Tiwanaku: Spiritual and Political Centre of the Tiwanaku Culture

The World Heritage List was established under terms of The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage adopted in November 1972 at the 17th General Conference of UNESCO.

The Convention states that a World Heritage Committee "will establish, keep up-to-date and publish" a World Heritage List of cultural and natural properties, submitted by the States Parties and considered to be of outstanding universal value.

One of the main responsibilities of this Committee is to provide technical co-operation under the World Heritage Fund for the safeguarding of World Heritage properties to States Parties whose resources are insufficient.

States Parties can request international assistance under the Fund for the preparation of tentative lists and nomination forms, expert missions, training of specialized staff, and supply of equipment when appropriate; they can also apply for long-term loans and, in special cases, non-repayable grants. Requests must concern work necessary for the preservation of cultural or natural sites included in the World Heritage List or assistance to national or regional training centres.

Emergency assistance is also available under the Fund in the case of properties severely damaged by specific natural or man-made disasters or threatened with imminent destruction.

source: www.unesco.org

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images of: Bolivia, Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Andean Community, Americas
Unesco sites in: Argentina, Venezuela, Uruguay, Brazil, Chile, Spain, Americas
Bolivia - UNESCO - World Heritage  