Koh Ha: pair of Harlequin shrimps resting on a brown hard coral
- Hymenocera elegans |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp in a hole in the reef |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp shedding its outer carapace - Hymenocera
elegans |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp shedding its outer carapace - Hymenocera
elegans II |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp next to recently shed outer carapace |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp next to recently shed outer carapace
II |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp pair together |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp in its hole |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimps with a blue sea star leg |
Koh Ha: Harlequin shrimp foraging along the reef |
Koh Ha: spearer mantis shrimp in its lair - Pterygosquilla armata
capensis |
Koh Ha: spearer mantis shrimp - Pterygosquilla armata capensis |
Koh Ha: Durban dancing shrimp on a red coral wall in a cave - Rhynochocinetes
durbanensis |
Koh Ha: Durban dancing shrimp on a red coral wall cleaning a diver's
finger - Rhynochocinetes durbanensis |
Koh Ha: Commensal shrimp in anemone - Periclemens holthuisi |
Koh Ha: Commensal shrimp in its partner anenome - Periclemens holthuisi |
Koh Ha: Porcelain anemone crab hiding in its anemone - Neopetrolisthes
ohshimai |
Koh Ha: Peacock mantis shrimp hiding in its hole - Odontodactylus
scyllarus |