Hin Daeng: Juvenile emperor angelfish on a wall - Pomocanthus imperator |
Hin Daeng: Emperor angelfish - Pomocanthus imperator |
Hin Muang: adolescent Emperor angelfish feeding and purple dendronepthya
soft coral - Pomocanthus imperator |
Hin Daeng: Yellow tail barracuda in the blue - Sphyraena flavicauda |
Hin Daeng: Solitary round batfish - Platax orbicularis |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish - silhouette |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish - from below |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish hanging in the blue |
Hin Daeng: Schooling round batfish - Platax orbicularis |
Hin Daeng: round batfish close up |
Hin Daeng: batfish |
Hin Daeng: Specklefin grouper in a hole - Epinephelus ongus |
Hin Daeng: Powder blue surgeon fish - Acanthurus leucosternon |
Hin Daeng: Malibar grouper / potato cod resting on the reef - Epinephelus
tukula |
Hin Daeng: Malibar grouper on a wall of soft coral |
Hin Daeng: Dendronepthya soft coral wall and glassfish - Parambassis
ranga |
Hin Daeng: Red coral grouper / cod in red dendronepthya soft coral |
Hin Daeng: Purple and red Dendronepthya soft coral on a reef and
glassfish |
Hin Daeng: Dendronepthya soft coral wall and glassfish with sun
in the background |