Hin Daeng: Giant moray in a crack in the rock- Gymnothorax javanicus |
Hin Daeng: Giant moray in a hole in the reef - Gymnothorax javanicus |
Hin Muang: Yellow margined moray coming to the camera - Gymnothorax
flavimarginatus |
Hin Muang: Titan trigger fish swimming in the blue |
Hin Muang: Red and white sea fan |
Hin Muang: Red dendronepthya soft coral against the sun |
Hin Muang: Rainbow runner hunting small fish - Elagatis bipinnulata |
Hin Muang: Red sea fan against the blue |
Hin Muang: Red and white ornate ghost pipefish on a red fan background
- Solenostomus paradoxus |
Hin Muang: Pair of red and white ornate ghost pipefish |
Hin Muang: purple dendronepthya soft coral and small fry |
Hin Daeng: Purple dendronepthya soft coral surrounded by glassfish
on a wall with a diver silouetted in the background |
Hin Muang: Purple dendronepthya soft coral and red coral grouper |
Hin Muang: Diver with purple dendronepthya soft coral and glass
fish |