Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: coral goby on a gorgonia fan - Pleurosicya
micheli |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: White eye moray close up - Siderea thyrsoidea |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Glassfish schooling around a purple
dendronepthya soft coral - Parambassis ranga |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: close up of glassfish schooling |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Domino Damsel hiding in its anemone |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Domino Damsel over its anemone |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Whale shark - Rhincodon typus |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Whale shark - eye contact |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Whale shark - silhouette of the world's
largest fish |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Whale shark and diver |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Whale shark and remoras |
Koh Phi Phi - Bida islands: Whale shark swimming in the blue with
divers and remoras |